Monday, February 1, 2010

A rough sketch

Heres my rough sketch of my concept, its @ 80cm square, thats @ 3.5 bricks square.
At the bottom is a 100mm concrete slab ,a small layer of sand (not shown), and then a 44gallon oil drum on top (thin dark vertical line 57cm wide) cut down to @ 70cm high, inside laid with "fondue" is a layer of fire bricks with a circle of fire brick circle standing up, set with fondue (yellow). On top of that is an upsidedown terracotta pot 56cm high and 40cm at the bottom (dark green), the whole at the top is 25cm wide, the pot is thus a gentle slop inward.
The combination of the firebricks and the pot height + the cut down drum means the tandoor top sticks out the top (more on that reason in another post)
I will then coat the outside of the pot in fondue and then fill the oil drum with a combo of clay and vermiculite for insulation (cream).
Outside the drum to the brick wall i wil fill with more clay, the main reason for clay is I have HEAPS of it from excuvating the original site so I might as well use it (light green).
Where the tandoor/terracotta pot sticks out the top I will be laying a concrete slab with reinforcing (blue).
The outside wall is single brick but above the tandoor will be double brick up to a height of about 1.9 metres, there will be bricks slightly laid inward so i can put racks on them but easily remove the racks for when i am tandooring (red).
That section will have 2 doors, 1 for the smoke/burn section and 1 for the smoking section. These doors open up fully to give access to the tandoor, i'm thinking of putting removable door hinges on?.
THUS you can either tandoor or smoke.
The bottom of the tandoor can also be used when you want to "cold smoke" cheeses etc, but more on that later.
At the very top will be a chimney with a flow controller.
The top layer will be a horizontal cement slab ( just like multi level carparks method)
SOO, thats the basic idea, lets see what happens

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