Saturday, March 20, 2010

tandoor top section

I mentioned earlier that the tandoor terracotta pot stuck out the top of the concrete slab and i would explain why, so here it is.

The tandoor top is important and should be VERY close to the top of its surrounds but not sticking out, BUT with this design its ok to give it a little height eg: @ 5-10ml ( 1.5 inch)

but what i will be doing is putting side metal bars to rest the smoker oven hotplate/fire on so not to put to much heat directly onto the terracotta top.

its going to be an interesting design feature that i have not seen so far on the internet. (yes it might have been done but i haven't seen it)

not only that but the way i intend to do it is sooooo simple, i just CAN'T wait to detail it, so stay tuned.

Friday, March 19, 2010

How the tandoor works with a smoker oven

If you have read any of my pizza oven project you will know this blog will be an extensive array of information.

The concept is very clear in my mind and as this blog progresses i will come up with problems and then solve them, giving full explaination of how i did everything and with images.

The tandoor heat sorce is going to be a great solution to making both a cold and hot smoker oven as it allows me to easily have the heat/smoke source further away from the food being smoked.